Category Archives: Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday – CLUMSY

original 5×5, watercolor and ink on 90lb watercolor paper

Illustration for this week, topic of clumsy.

I’ll admit that I have posted this painting before on my blog, but it just seemed so appropriate that I had to share for this week’s IF.

Original post here, but reproduced below.

I’m a recovering klutz.

Growing up, I seemed to spill everything. all the time. I also had an uncanny knack for whacking the shit out of my elbows on door frames, you know, just walking around the house. I’m going to go ahead and blame that on what must be exceptionally narrow door frames in my childhood home in Texas, since I haven’t done it my apartment here in SF.

But the spilling….yeah, that still happens. I used to get really upset when I spilled things, like it was proof of something wrong with me. ( I think I was really hard on myself growing up). Now, I don’t care. Which is much better. At least for my psyche….not for the carpet (which, now that I’m thinking about it, has a new largish coffee stain, courtesy of yours truly from last weekend.)

At least steve has become an absolute pro at spill alleviation and stain removal. He can add that to the old resume.

Update: Since this originally was posted, I have spilled wine at least twice. In the last month. I may not be so “recovering” after all.

Illustration Friday – Crunchy

No surprise that my mind when straight to food when I heard this week’s IF challenge “crunchy.” Also no surprise that I couldn’t pick just one.

1. carrot; 2. bacon (one could call bacon crunchy, right? one step past crispy in my mind); 3. peanuts; 4. celery; 5. pretzel; 6. apple; 7. bean sprouts; 8. biscotti; 9. nuts (almonds, peacan, hazelnut, cashew, walnut); 10. iceburg lettuce; 11. fried chicken; and, in honor of the holiday season, 12. candy cane joe joes.*

*I had to avert my eyes from them the last two times I was at Trader Joe’s. They are crack. If I don’t wait until mid-December, I can go through multiple boxes before xmas. It really isn’t a pretty sight.

Illustration Friday: "unbalanced"

This is my first Illustration Friday drawing. woot.