face it. it’s facets.

life line

I was feeling kind of in a rut lately and decided to just sit down and do something different.

I’m in an e-course taught by Marisa of Creative Thursday, and the last class touched on issues of procrastination and inspiration. I’m always interested in hearing about other folk’s creative processes, because most of the time, I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. Marisa mentioned that she often just sets aside time to paint, even if she doesn’t have a pre-conceived idea of what she will be painting. I really haven’t ever worked like that, choosing instead just to draw or paint when inspiration “strikes.” This was my attempt at trying a different way for doing things.

This is what I came up with. Much more abstract than usual, but I like it.

5 Responses to face it. it’s facets.
  1. Enrouge {karan karla}
    February 2, 2010 | 8:35 pm

    Hello from class — I wanted to take a peek at your creations. Looks like something straight from your imagination . . very unique looking and intriguing. The colors are so pretty, too. I think you've clarified what Marisa was talking about — I'm more like you in that I tend to wait until inspired before I work. But, look what you made! I'm going to try this approach, too.

  2. Wini
    February 3, 2010 | 8:10 am

    Hi Alyson, thank you for your post in class. I liked what you wrote. I love the artwork you've come up with… it has a dreamy, delicate quality to it. It really does look like it has come from within! Its amazing what can happen when you try something different!! 🙂

  3. Rekoj
    February 6, 2010 | 1:29 am

    These are GORGEOUS! Congrats on just putting some pen & color to paper =)

  4. Marisa and Creative Thursday
    February 9, 2010 | 3:07 am

    Alyson ~ these are GORGEOUS. So happy you just decided to sit down and do something different!

  5. alyson
    February 11, 2010 | 1:35 am

    wow! Thank you everyone for all the kind comments. I like these too…much more abstract than normal, but I'm working on putting some in my etsy shop now. thanks again!

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