Halloween Hangover

obviously this one was mine….it was a hit with the parents.

We moved to San Francisco in October 2007. We loved our adorable new neighborhood (Cole Valley), full of dogs and families, and cute French bistros, and especially loved our tree-lined street. When meeting our new neighbors, invariably, the first thing they asked was “Do you know about Halloween here?”

Not even crowded yet. Seriously.

See, we live on Belvedere St. Those of you who live in San Francisco, especially if you have kids, you know what this means. Every year, the residents of Belvedere Street block off our street and throw an amazing Halloween block party – basically the Castro for kids.


There are garages turned haunted houses, tons of decorations, live bands, animatronic spooky shows, live dancers dressed as Disney and Pixar characters, movies playing on outdoor screens, tons of jack-o-lanterns, (perhaps some adult beverages for the adults dealing with sugared up children…) and oh, the candy.

Kung-Fu Panda dancers, from 2007

See, kids are brought here from all over the city. The little ones start around 4, and after that, it’s basically a rapid countdown until the bags upon bags of candy you bought are gone.

The swarm at our front door.

This year we went through 1800 pieces of candy, plus a huge bowl of candy corn in 3 hours. It was…. a little intense. But fun, and one of those special only-in-SF kind of events.

One Response to Halloween Hangover
  1. Meaghin
    November 17, 2011 | 3:27 pm

    Wow your carved pumpkin may be the coolest pumpkin I’ve ever seen. And I have no words about the Kung-Fu panda dancers….(except “awesome”).

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