round up of artist studios

SO I’m in the process of re-organizing/establishing an area in my home dedicated to arts and crafts. We’ve made some process, dividing our workspaces with an Ikea Expedit unit, allowing Steve to have some space for his music making. But I’m always on the lookout for some inspiration and organizational tips. Here are some studio tours that I like. (I think there will be a part 2. or 3. )

Illustrator Allison Cole‘s studio, via Design*Sponge. (I like how sparse the area is above her desk, with what looks like cool little toys)

The fabulous Lisa Congdon‘s mission studio tour, on Design*Sponge

Shay Ometz printmaking studio tour, via Design*Sponge (check out her etsy shop, Bee Things for some awesome prints)

Kate Bingaman-Burt
‘s house tour, via Design*Sponge. (Note, this is probably my default style — lots and lots of stuff crammed together. I’m trying to strive for a more sparse look. I will probably fail. I am trying to be ok with that)

Brian Petro’s studio tour, at Apartment Therapy

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